Database allOrNone and exceptions

In my batch classes, I’m a big user of the allOrNone argument to Database.insert or Database.update. This is mostly because some orgs have dirty data and dealing with those as non-fatal exceptions is better for the business than rolling back all DML from a batch execute() that might be dealing with 199 good records and only one bad one.

So, the normal pattern would be

Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.update(listOfSobjs,false);
for (Integer i =0; i < listOfSobjs.size(); i++)
  if (!srList[i].isSuccess() {
      // log the error somewhere for later admin action - typically to a persistent sobj

But what if you had this coding fragment where the allOrNone argument was a variable, sometimes true, sometimes false?

Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.update(listOfSobjs,allOrNoneVbl);
for (Integer i =0; i < listOfSobjs.size(); i++)
  if (!srList[i].isSuccess() {
      // log the error somewhere for later admin action - typically to a persistent sobj

Well, and again the doc isn’t completely clear on this, if allOrNoneVbl is true, no Database.SaveResults are returned and an exception is thrown. Here’s proof:

try {
   Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.insert(new List<Account>{
                                                    new Account(),
                                                    new Account()},
   system.assert(false,'allOrNothing=true does not throw exception');
catch (Exception e) {
    system.assert(false,'allOrNothing=true does throw exception');

Debug log:
EXCEPTION_THROWN|[2]|System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0;
Required fields are missing: [Name]: [Name]
EXCEPTION_THROWN|[6]|System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: allOrNothing=true does throw exception
FATAL_ERROR|System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: allOrNothing=true does throw exception

Conclusion: If your batch execute() is intended to log errors and you sometimes use isAllOrNone as true and sometimes as false in the same execute() (because you are doing multiple DML operations), your logging code is more complex as the source of the error message is found in different places (i.e. Database.SaveResult method getErrors() versus caught exception getMessages() ).

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