I’ve been using SFDC since 2008. This blog is a series of tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years on managing SFDC systems that have a heavy Apex and Visualforce element where I’ve been the sole administrator.
I provide consulting services to various organizations that need SFDC assistance. These include:
- Daqri
- VMware
- Yahoo!
- Zimbra
Project examples include:
- Custom quoting and configuration solution for high ticket price SKUs (software)
- Development of lead-to-quote-to-order-to-fulfillment business processes
- Custom application for managing content rights and restrictions for video and article content providers
- Data cleansing of 100,000+ leads
- Conga Composer multiworksheet sales forecasting reports with pivots
- Synchronizing multiple SFDC orgs (acquired business unit SFDC and mother ship SFDC)
- Integration of Digital River e-commerce solution with SFDC Opportunities and fulfillment flows
You can reach me by visiting my LinkedIn profile
or on Mastodon.
Personally, I’ve been in technology for many years, doing stints in engineering and product management. I’m keenly interested in collecting antique siege plans from the seventeenth century. The blog header image is a crop from a siege plan of Stenay in 1644. The engraving is by Sébastien de Pontault de Beaulieu; the full version can be seen here: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b7711063p